Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thank You Anik


Thank you so much for all of the Secret Pal gifts you sent to us, they have all been fantastic and we will treasure them for a long time to come. I will be putting an album together with all the cards and some photos to remember you by.

The swim and sun gifts are great and we can’t wait to get a chance to use them.

Maresa & Niall

Monday, August 6, 2007

Thanks Christie

You have been an awesome secret pal! Your gifts are so creative. I absolutely love the lanterns, doll, fortune cookie book and cloth with my daughter's name on it.

Friday, August 3, 2007

To Cheri,
I want to thank you soooo much for everything, we received the package the other day and it was a wonderful surprise, I love everything. Please keep in touch I would like that a lot.
My e-mail is Karen65866@yahoo.com or my work Karen.Finnegan@henryschein.com
We finally sold our house after a year and found a lovley home, that we can't wait to call it our home. Everything happened so fast we close on Aug. 20th. We are busy packing and we have to stay with my in-laws for a few weeks (not bad) and then I can not wait to start painting and decorating our daughters room.
Yes, I do hope that things speed up for us.
Take Care,

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Dear Amy!!

Thank you so much for the blanket!! It is beautiful!!!! And I can't wait to wrap Sloan in it!! Thank you again for being a great Secret Pal!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

To the best secret pal, Mariah!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I love the package you sent this month. It will help me relax during the remaining months of this long wait! I love the smell of the body lotion and bath gel! The mug is beautiful! And, guess what! I am a tea addict!!!! So, again, your gift is perfect !
Mariah, you have been a WONDERRFUL SECRET PAL. Marili, Sylvain and I will always remember you and your generosity. Your packages were always the hilight of the month!!! They always put a BIG smile on my face!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Cheers to you Mariah, the best secret pal!!!!
your friend!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Ladybugs are great!

Hello Karen,
We recieved our package today which is perfect timing because we leave for MA tmw morning.
I am glad to be able to say thank you for the wonderful gifts.
The Discovery Lady bug is great! My daughter Alyssa had one, we have since gave it away so I know our baby is going to love it. Also thank you so much for the books exspecially the Ten Little Lady Bugs that is so cute....I love it! We seem to read through books so fast. I really appreciate the new selection.
Well thank you for all your gifts over the past 6 mths it has been a pleasure looking forward to the monthly suprises.
We are LID 5-18 and with May being out of review maybe this means things are gonna speed up...I can hope we all get are children so very soon......
Joseph and Michelle Choquet

Mariah's Secret Pal

Thank you secret pal!! Sorry for the delayed posting! I love the Putumayo CDs and did not know there was an asian one!! Love it!! I love giraffes as well..I think baby Sloan will as well!! Thanks again!!


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

To Mariah's Secret Pal!!

Thank you so much for the May gift! I love the Asian Dreamland CD...just perfect and the giraffe stuffed animal is cute as well! Thanks so much. Sorry no picture..I have to get new batteries for my camera..will post soon!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Michelle's Secrect Pal

Good Morning Secret Pal,
We did recieve our May gift just before leaving for vacation, I am sorry we didn't have a chance to say thank you before leaving.
The Busy Bee drum set is great! I really love it, that is gonna be so much fun! Maybe our baby is gonna be a musician, we don't have anything like that. Its perfect!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You,

If we don't recieve June's gift this week, we will be on vacation until mid July so there will be another delay in posting a thank you note.

I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July week.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

To Donna's secret pal

Don't know if you've sent the final package or not. I'm in China working for OCDF, Our Chinese Daughter's Foundation. Just didn't want you to worry if you didn't hear from me. I'll try to remember to ask my neighbors.


PS I have a blog for the trip so my students can follow along. You can find it in my profile on my adoption blog donnasbaby.blogspot.com or the address is missbinbeijing.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Michelle Was The Best Secret Pal!

Michelle, You Were the Best Secret Pal!
I got all your wonderful gifts this past weekend. I had so much fun opening all that girly pink stuff. You have been my first secret pal exchange and I was so excited everytime I opened one of you great gift sets. You are so thoughtful and have brought many a tear and smile to my face every month. I would love to know more about you anf your growing family and keep in contact. Do you have a website or blog and e-mail. I have my site at http://www.babyjellybeans.com/web/do/site?ID=6026 and my e-mail is SchuetzC2006@yahoo.com
Thanks a Bunch,

Thank you SP - Maresa & Naill

I just received your final package today and I loved everything in it! My dream (other than to go to China and get our daughter) is to one day go to Ireland! Honestly, everything is just soooo perfect! My oldest daughter and I just love the way your packages smell. She asked me if that is what Ireland smelled like! LOL I can not thank you enough for all the beautiful things you have sent to our family. The books last month were awesome! Oh, and the cookies were very yummy and didn't make it in the picture that I usually take. My cord is not hooked up to the computer yet, but I'll have Bob do that when he gets home. Thank you again!

Cheri & family

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

My secret pal can read minds!!!

It seems that my secret pal has a special talent. She can read my mind! It's so funny because last weekend I was looking at those exact shoes for Marili and finally decided to wait to get them for her. What a coincidence!
Thank you so much! I adore them! They are sooooooooo cute!!!
I know I keep repeating myself, but once again, you have picked the perfect gift for my little girl!
MERCI du fond du coeur!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

To My Secret Pal

You have outdone your self once again! Your gifts are just fabulous.

I was at home this morning when the postman was early and he had a package for me. I am usually gone to work when he arrives and he normally leaves a note for me to say that he has a package and I am to call to the post office to collect. It was nice to be here when one of your truly amazing packages arrived.

The photo album is great and I will keep it as a special album for your adoption trip photos. The May Magpie pins, magnet and also the socks are great and something we will always treasure from our Secret Pal.

Once again the quilt squares are much appreciated and I am just about there with my 100 squares for the quilt, I am waiting on two more from my friends children and then I will be getting started on the quilt.

And to your parents I must say a very big thank you for the book that also included some quilt squares. They are just wonderful to have thought of us at this time.

And of course I must not forget your packaging is as always so appropriate, where do you find it all? I will definitely have to arrange to go shopping with you. You are just great at shopping including all your beautiful cards.

Secret Pal, A very Big Thank You.

Maresa & Naill

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Karen's Secret pal #2

You are spoiling me!! Thank you for the box of goodies and the nice card. Everything is going to come in so handy. The bad is lovely I can't wait to use it!!!

Thank you again

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

OMG to Christie's Secret Pal

This weekend I was in such a ba hum bug mood because of Mother's Day. I never thought I would have to celebrate another one without our Maizi. Well a knock at my door from UPS lifted my spirits because I got the Mother's Day package from you. I was so overwhelmed with all the gifts and when I read you letter I just cried with happieness. I had been waiting for someone to say to me the exact words that you wrote and I feel and not many ever recognize and that is the fact that although our girls are not home yet we are truly moms. I love the all the things you sent. I will always remember all these gifts as my first Mothers Day gifts ever. You are wonderful!


Sunday, May 13, 2007


Thank you for the books they arrived on Friday what a GREAT surprise and very generous.
We love books and we can't wait to start reading to our Emma!!!
We hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!! Enjoy

Karen & Ryan

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Thanks once again

Can't get the picture to rotate but I absolutely love my gifts. As you know pandas are a favorite! The chop is beautiful too. Love the word peace. So important these days. Thanks so much

Thursday, May 3, 2007

A Big Thanks Christie's Secret Pal

To Christie's Secret Pal

A big thank you to Christie's secret pal. Your package came came on our 11th month aniversary from LID. Love the bunny, awesome book set and the neat toy. The postman was laughing when he handed the package to my husband cause the toy was making all it's noises. I know Maizi will love all the gifts.


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Pictures of March and April.....

To Michelle's Secret Pal,

Thank you! So much for the lady bug picture, it will actually match her room perfect...
It is really pretty!
I also wanted to post last months pictures of your gifts. I just figured out how to add pictures.

So again thank you,

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Marili's wonderful April treats

Dear secret pal,
Your gifts are really amazing! The doll is ADORABLE! Just perfect for my sweet little girl! I also love the outfit. Marili will be so cute in it. I cannot wait to see her wearing it!

Thank you so much!!!


your friend AnikXXX

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Gift on the way!

Hi Christie,
Your package is a little later this month, I sent it out on wednesday so be on the look out for your letter carrier should be bringing you a gift soon! I would say sat. the earliest probably monday.
Have a great weekend,
Your secret pal....

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Thank You..SP!!

Thanks Secret Pal...what a treat! It will look great in Sloan's room! I believe this gift will give me the motivation to start decorating her room...or a least clean out the junk. I can't wait to have it framed! Thanks again!


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dear Secret Pal

Once again your gifts are just fantastic; we especially love all the cards you have sent with our gifts. You are really great at picking these out and you must have such good shops in your area.

The cuddly toy is great and I love the book mark, and it is great for our house as we love to read and we already have a great collection of children’s books. The sleep suit is also fantastic and all gifts with the Chinese Year of the Pig in mind.

Thanks you so much.


Messages for Maresa's Secret Pal

Dear Secret Pal

Firstly I must apologies for not posting sooner to say I had received both your gifts, they did infact arrive within days of each other.

The chocolate was just fantastic and candles are also another favorite of my, I have not got around to making the cookies yet but I will one of these days soon. And the bath time set is also great something which I did not have.

Thank you so much.


Monday, April 2, 2007

Yummy, Yummy!!

Oh secret pal, who told you I love chocolate? ;) Handmade truffles from your farmers market?!?! Thank you for the wonderful Easter surprise! My children were so excited to see something sweet to eat. I love the trinket box and the wonderful books! We love to read. Your thoughtfulness has is truly appreciated! Thank you so much for all that you have done!
Cheri and family~

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Thank You!

Thank you Secret Pal! Sloan will look "Pretty in Pink" at the pool!! I love the pineapple!

To Michelle

I apologize for not getting your package out sooner time got away form me this month. I promise to have it in the mail tomorrow April 2nd.

Your secret Pal.

Karen's Secret Pal

First I want to let you know I was in NO way offended by your card it was very lovely and thoughtful.
I want to than you from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful Pendant necklace, I will treasure it forever. I actually got a chock up with the meaning (born in your heart) I truly love it. Silver really is my preference for jewelry. I want to also thank you for the CD I know we'll love it!!

Karen Finnegan
5/9 LID

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Thank You

Thank You to Maresa's Secret Pal

This is the gift we received last week it is just fantastic, we can't await to learn how to use the chop sticks and the quilt squares are just great, I an still trying to get to 100 so they are much appreciated. I am going to have to get Niall to start cooking with this wonderful book.

Maresa & Niall

Monday, March 26, 2007

You are the best!

As you can tell I dressed my bear in the goodies you sent. Can't wait to see my daughter in them. The gardening tools are absolutely wonderful. I spent some of this weekend weeding sure could use the "help" of a little one. You are so talented. I absolutely love the personalization that you have done.

If you want to feel free to use her name, Tallula, on anything else you do. I think I've been nervous about using her name.

Thank you so much! You gift, as always, brightened my day!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Way out did your self!!

I received your package TODAY and want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. You really did not have to buy something for each of my children. Wow, you really are my kids new best friend! ;) Thank you so much for including them. It was a great surprise. They told me to tell you thank-you! I LOVE the bathing suit and socks for Lia. I can hardly wait to put her little body in them. Everything is great! Thanks again, you are too sweet! :)
Cheri and family~

Love it!!

Ok, so here I am late again posting a thank you! :( You must think I'm aweful! I love this little set you sent us for our Chinese New Year. It brought such a smile to my face. I must say that my little Kera tries to steal it from. So if it comes up missing I know where to find it. The card is simply beautiful! I also like the little note you send along with the gifts. Thank you, we love it!
Cheri and family!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thank you!!

I returned from a vacation yesterday and received these sweet gifts today! Thank you secret pal! Baby Sloan will look so sweet in the strawberry outfit!

Thank You to Christie's Secret Pal

Thank You to Christie's Secret Pal
A huge thanks to Christie Schuetz's secret pal. I was so excited when my husband told me that I had a package come in the mail that I made him bring to the school where I teach so I could open it. I love the spring outfit, it is so adorable. I read the card and all of the little book when in bed last night and it made me feel so uplifted. Maizi will love the cute little unicorn they were a favorite of mine when I was little. All My co-workers and my 3rd graders all got to see the package and loved it too.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Message for Maresas Secret Pal

Dear Secret Pal

As my home telephone and broadband access have been down over the weekend, I am only getting to write to you now that I am back in work after the bank holiday weekend.

When we arrived home last Friday evening there was a note from the postman to say he had a package for us to collect at the post office so off my husband went and would you believe it was the gift you sent to us at the end of January, in fact I think the postage date was 29th January, wow that has really taken for ever to get here! But as I was logging on to let you know that the gift arrived I discovered that you had posted another gift to us. Thank you for going to the trouble to sending another gift it was very thoughtful of you, you are so kind. And they my phone line went and I am only getting around to let you know now.

I will post the pictures of the gift once my broadband is up and working again but that will probably be next week, it was such a beautiful gift, the chopsticks are just fantastic and the book is great, I had in fact bought a copy of the book as a gift for a friend recently, the card was just fantastic and the Year of the Pig included as well.

I know you have now already sent another gift to me so it is too late to stop it in the post but would you like to count it as gift 4. Do let me know, you have been really kind in sending another gift as you presumed the other gift had got lost. God only know what happened to it!


Monday, March 19, 2007

Pandas! I love pandas!

Dear secret pal,

THANK YO SO MUCH for the wonderful March gifts! I LOVE pandas! The pink t-shirt with the pandas doing tai-chi is adorable! I agree with you that our daugthers will look so cute in them! I cannot wait to see my little girl wearing it! And, I am sure Marili will have so much fun when playing with the pandas toys! Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! You always send the most perfect gifts!

Thank you! Merci du fond du coeur!

Your friend,

Anik, XXX

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Big Thank You from Maresa and Naill to our Secret Pal

We would just like to say a Big Thank You to our Secret Pal. The dress is fantastic and also the St. Patrick’s Day gifts even down to the bag with the shamrocks and ladybirds together. Thank you also for the quilt squares we have nearly got our 100 squares so we can't wait to going on making the quilt. Once again Thank You so much. We really appreciate all the trouble you have gone to.

Maresa & Naill

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Michelle's Secret Pal

Hello Secret Pal,
Thank you..... so much for the sweet baby blanket, the baby einstein catepelliear teether,and the play and grow pupsqueak. It is all very cute and I can't wait to see her use them.
Please excuse me for responding so late to your gifts. We did recieve them on time, its has been a tough time in our family. Between fighting off some stomache virus and the computer giving us problems....... I am just getting to say Thank You!

Have a great weekend,
Joe and Michelle


Thanks again for the wonderful surprise. The outfit is absolutely adorable. The key and phone set will be coming toChina with us, and I love the ladybug jewlery I am wearing it today.

Thank you again very generous

It finally feels like spring in WI.

Karen & Ryan

Monday, March 5, 2007

Donna's Secret Pal

So sorry I didn't post my thanks immediately but I have to say that your gift OVERWHELMED me. When I saw Lulu,her nickname, embroidered on the the bodysuit I have to say that I cried. You made my daughter real to me for the first time! Words cannot even express that feeling. The panda toy is adorable and the treats are yummy!

The outfit is definitely going with me to China!

Sunday, March 4, 2007


WOW!!! Thank you it was very generous of you to send all the wonderful goodies.
It's our anniversary next week and I can't wait to try out the chocolate fondue set. I absolutely love the bath & Body assortment. The chocolate covered fortune cookies were a hit with my family.
Again thank you for your generosity.
We do hope for a speed up as well.

Karen Finnegan

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Thank you secret pal for the Valentine card!!!

Dear secret pal,

I wanted to thank you for the valentine card card you have sent me. My apologies for not posting this sooner. The card arrived right on time for Valentine Day. How perfect!!!


Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Dear secret pal,

You are simply the best!

Thank you so much for the wonderful Chinese new year gifts you sent! I got so emotional when I saw the charm with Marili's name on it. I cried. It is such a special and precious gift! Thank you so much! I will wear it on a neckalce near my heart!

The pig telephone and the pig blankie are adorable! I also love the Chinese New year book! I cannot wait to read it to Marili!

Again, thank you so much!



Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Huge Thanks to Christie's Secret Pal

Secret Pal Strikes Again (AKA Cupid)

A really big thank you to my Secrt Pal for a whole lotta Valentine goodies. I was already on cloud nine for the day because I'm a teaher and I got a snow day today and then I got this package too. I love the adorable PJ set for Maizi with hearts, the Valentine book that says Mom I Love You, the yummy chocolate hearts, and and the wonderful vanilla raspberry bath set, and a really sweet card. You really know how to spoil me.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Secret pal, you are the best!!!

Dear secret pal,

Thank you so much for the beautiful winter coat you have sent to Marili! I love it so much! I love the color and I love the style! It is perfect for the Canadian winter, specially on a day like today where it freezing cold! Marili will be so adorable in it!!!

Sorry for the delay in my post. I just came back last night from my vacation in Florida. I was so excited when I saw the package! It felt like Chritmas!

Merci!!! Merci!!! Merci!!!!



Monday, February 12, 2007

Apology and Big Thank You!!

First off, many thanks to Cheri's secret pal! I absolutely love the elegant 7pc. pastry set. It is simply beautiful! I frequently have guest come over for yummies so this is perfect! I can hardly wait to use it. I must apologize for my late response in thanking you. I have herniated a disc in my neck so I have been busy with appointments and not feeling well. Plus, I was having the darnest time trying to get logged into the blog itself! Many thanks for the beautiful gift!


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Thank you to Christie's secret pal!!!

A huge thank to my secret pal! When I got home last night I was so excited to open my very first secret pal gift ever! My husband and I love the cute litttle fuzzy pink blanket, the adorable onesies (Maizi's first) and the bunny book. Thanks again Maizi will love them!!!


Friday, February 2, 2007

Thank You

Thank you secret pal for for a wonderful surprise on a Friday evening. We love the bear (so soft), The picture frame, the bib and the beautiful blanket. I know baby Finnegan will love them too. Karen & Ryan

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Thank you

Thank you! To my secret pal in West Allis, WI I was truly suprised to find baby toys instead of a dental item! Thanks for the Lullaby Ball and Rock-a-Stack rings. I am sure our girl will love it!
Joe and Michelle

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thank you to Maresa secret pal

On behalf of Maresa and Niall, thank you to their secret pal! They thought the gifts were wonderful!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Thanks to Donna's and Lulu's Secret Pal

Thanks for my Chinese New Year gifts! Loved the ornament, box and panda crib toy.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Welcome to our blog!

Hi everyone! I created a blog for us to post pictures of the gifts we received from our secret pal. This is also a great medium to say thank you directly to your secret pal!

Have fun !!!!
